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Parents and Friends

St Michael’s Parents and Friends Association (P & F) is a hard working group of volunteer parents committed to supporting the school and its children through fundraising and community building activities.

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The group arrange a range of social activities including the Christmas Bazaar, Biennial Ball, Circus, Quiz Nights and Movie Nights. These events are organised to raise funds for additional resources and equipment to enrich the children’s experiences at St Michael’s and raise funds for selected external charities. 

Examples of how the funds have been used in the school include creating an extensive adventure playground in the school grounds, part funding of school vehicles, providing Christmas trees for Prep and Pre-Prep as well as extensive Sports, Music, Drama and Science equipment.

The P & F coordinate with volunteer Parent Representatives in classes across the school. The Reps do an invaluable job, liaising with parents to keep them informed of school activities, organising events and providing an efficient method for class/year communications.

The P & F have chosen the Classlist app as an efficient way to connect parents, communicate and promote upcoming events in a way that it is compliant with GDPR. All new joiners to the School will receive further details, but you can join by downloading the Classlist app on iOS or Android and selecting St Michael’s Prep School Parents & Friends Association to sign up. Classlist's Privacy Notice can be found here.

The P & F also use Ticketsource, an online ticketing software provider, for some of their events. The Privacy Notice for Ticketsource can be found here.

Summer Fest St Michael's