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St Michael's raises £1,450 for bereavement charity

News - 26 May

Charity Day

A rainbow of colours could be seen across St Michael's Prep on Friday 24th May as children and staff dressed in bright outfits for our Charity Day.

Raising money for Holding on Letting Go who support children through bereavement, we were proud to raise £603.55 for the charity which, added to our total raised from this year's school play, makes a grand total of £1,450.28.

Responding to St Michael's donation, Pam Meller, Fundraising Officer at Holding on Letting Go said: "We would like to say a massive thank you to all at St Michael’s Prep School for supporting Holding On Letting Go, both with the incredible performances of A Monster Calls covering challenging topics with such sensitivity and confidence; and also the colourful and fun day to round off the term in bright colours.

"The £1,450.28 raised in total is something your school family should all feel very proud of. It will help to fund the arts and crafts materials as well as music therapy for three of our bereavement support weekends. Your kindness is truly appreciated by all at HOLG."

Thank you so much to all of our families for their contributions to this incredible cause.

Please click here for more information about Holding on Letting Go