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Déjà Vu projects bring joy to St Michael's!

News - 7 June

Deja Vu

We are delighted that our parent-led second hand uniform shop has supported even more projects to benefit the St Michael's community this term.

Most recently, Déjà Vu has purchased table parasols for St Michael's Pre-Prep to fit in the existing outside tables. This amazing addition to Pre-Prep will enable pupils to enjoy more lessons and activities outside during the summer months, protected from the sun; we know they will be very well used.

Additionally, Pre-School has been making use of their wonderful new stage funded by Déjà Vu. The children have been performing role play, dance routines and even catching up with friends on the stage; their imagination has kept the platform in great use!

Déjà Vu is run entirely by volunteers and we wouldn't be able to provide this service without their weekly dedication to the Shop.

For more information about Déjà Vu, please click here.

If you have any questions about the Shop or could spare some time to help, please contact Melissa Samworth via email: