We are delighted to share a summary of our May 2024 ISI inspection report with you following an inspection of St Michael's Prep School from 14th-16th May 2024.
The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI)* introduced a new framework for inspections in 2023 as part of which they no longer provide a formal overall classification of e.g. excellent/good/satisfactory etc. for a school as they did in the past. The report now advises on whether the ISI Standards are met with all feedback provided in the detailed comments.
We are delighted that St Michael’s Prep School met all the required standards of the May 2024 ISI inspection with the addition of a ‘significant strength’ awarded for St Michael’s ‘strong culture of collaboration and mentorship’ which equips our pupils for life. One example that the inspection team gave of this strength was the St Michael's Challenge ‘which involves pupils from Years 7 and 8 providing useful and valued guidance and mentorship to younger pupils when they carry out research and deliver presentations.’ A significant strength is highlighted by the Independent Schools Inspectorate in rare instances that they identify a strength of provision in a school which results in a ‘clear, demonstrable and highly beneficial impact for pupils.’
The report described St Michael’s Prep School as ‘a place where the school’s motto perseverantia, sapientia, gratia (perseverance, wisdom and gratitude) is brought to life’ with a community which ‘cherishes individuality and celebrates diversity’.
Early years at St Michael’s was identified as a stage where ‘children thrive in an encouraging and caring environment’, the foundations of ‘positive relationships’ are built and ‘children are encouraged to be kind to each other.’ The role of St Michael’s early years team in modelling how to behave was also commended, which the children respond to ‘by working and playing happily together’.
‘High quality teaching and learning resources’ were demonstrated across St Michael’s led by teachers who ‘plan and structure their lessons well’ and have ‘secure subject knowledge’. ISI noted the impact that this has on St Michael’s pupils who are ‘interested in what they are taught’ and ‘readily ask questions to deepen their understanding by capitalising on their teachers’ expertise.’
St Michael’s Years 7 and 8 provision was likewise praised by the inspectors who described our senior pupils as having ‘enthusiasm, confidence and proficiency in their leadership of others’, understanding ‘that the help they give is a service to their community,’
Growth mindset was recognised as an attribute of pupils across all year groups, empowering them to view mistakes as ‘opportunities to learn’. ISI noted that ‘pupils maintain this positive approach to new challenges’ throughout their St Michael’s journey. They recognised the recent focus on five different learning behaviours: collaboration, independence, resilience, creativity and engagement which were developed with pupil, parent and staff focus groups.
The inspection team also praised the enjoyment that pupils gain from their learning at St Michael’s, noting that they ‘make rapid progress throughout the school’ and are ‘prepared well for the next stages of their education both within the school and when the time comes for them to move on’. St Michael’s ‘considerable success in local and national competitions in a range of subjects’ was similarly praised.
Reflecting on the sense of community at St Michael’s, the inspection team acknowledged the ‘ethos of mutual trust and respect for everyone’ which ‘characterises the whole school community’.
Most pleasingly, St Michael’s pupils were described as knowing ‘that their voices and opinions are heard, valued and acted upon.’
Please click here to read the full May 2024 ISI inspection report