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St Michael's achieves Eco-Schools Green Flag Award

Featured News - 6 July

Rocks Day collage

We are delighted to announce that St Michael's has received the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award!

Writing to St Michael's on Friday 5th July 2024, Eco-Schools said: "Thank you so much for submitting such a terrific application. We have loved reading about your journey and are incredibly impressed by all you have achieved. We have no hesitation in awarding you an Eco-Schools Green Flag, congratulations!"

"It’s fantastic that you have such a large Eco-Committee in your school, it shows that your pupils clearly care about our planet and all plants, animals, and insects that live on it."

"You choose to work on topics that matter to you and this is a sensible approach that places them at the heart of your Eco-Schools work. We enjoyed reading about your plans to carry out beach-cleans and also to encourage others to turn lights off, your range of activities sound fantastic!"

"Your curriculum links come from a variety of year groups and subject areas, they’re very good examples of innovative and engaging environmental education! Your examples clearly demonstrate that staff members in your school are willing to go above and beyond to include these important issues in pupils' learning."

"Your Eco-Committee have used a wide variety of methods to inform their school community about their work including your assemblies, this shows they take pride in their achievements and are working hard to involve and educate all around them."

"Pupils and staff have become more aware of the impacts of everyday activities on the environment, this has been a huge success. It’s clearly something that pupils will be proud of and leaves a great legacy to build upon! We love your collaborative approach to creating an Eco-Code, this approach has allowed young people to take ownership and create a final code that will be treasured by everyone at your school!"

Congratulations to St Michael's Eco Committee led by Miss Lambert and Mrs Rose as well as the wider St Michael's community for all of their hard work and commitment to our planet which has led to us achieving this accolade.