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Celebrating the joy of reading for World Book Day!

News - 8 March

The joy of reading has been celebrated across St Michael's Prep School this month as pupils and staff have engaged in a range of inspiring World Book Day activities.

On Tuesday 4th March, children in Years 3, 4, and 5 were delighted to welcome author Claire Hatcher-Smith who had come all the way from Canada to speak to them. Her interactive presentation about her debut novel The Mizzy Mysteries: A Skeleton in the Closet focused on the skill of empathy and how it is an essential component of being a detective. 

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On Wednesday 5th March, St Michael's paired reading sessions brought together younger and older Prep children to share their favourite childhood books. The children's enthusiasm for reading was evident as they read their chosen books together.

Paired readingThroughout the day on Thursday, ample opportunities to read for pleasure were presented by St Michael's Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) sessions. When the internal phones in every classroom rang, it was the signal for everyone to drop what they were doing and read their current books. It was great to see pupils and staff alike taking time to enjoy a good story.

Meanwhile in St Michael's Pre-Prep, pupils and staff showcased vibrant costumes inspired by their favourite story characters.

World Book Day

Throughout the week, there was a range of special events. These included: daily story times in the Library; fun challenges during Library lessons; plenty of reading-focused activities in the Library during break times; a hugely popular Character Quest, which had the children combing the school to complete a book-based treasure hunt; and two special assemblies.