Weekly Newsletter Friday 22nd March 2024

A year at St Michael's banner

From the Head

Dear Parents,

We have had a wonderful finish to the Lent Term with excitement and celebration as the Easter Bunny, a Swimming Gala and Music Concert have added joy to our week. 

Thank you to the parents who joined us in cheering on our Year 2 swimmers on Monday afternoon as the pupils took part in a range of competitive races as part of their Swimming Gala. Mr Davies, Mrs Fornasier and the Year 2 Team were so impressed by the children's progress in their strokes and competitive spirit throughout the event.

Beautiful music filled the Chapel on Wednesday as a selection of Prep pupils from Years 3 to 7 performed to their parents and teachers in our Breakfast Concert. Congratulations to all of the children who took part and the Music Department for sharing their musical expertise and enthusiasm with the pupils on a daily basis. 

The Easter Bunny spread magic over Pre-Prep on Thursday morning as chocolate eggs and cuddles caused squeals of delight from our children in Nursery to Year 2. Thank you, Easter Bunny for making our day!

We have concluded the week by gathering as a whole school community for our end of term assembly. It is always wonderful to welcome our Pre-Prep children and staff to the Prep building for this occasion which is a celebration of all we have achieved and enjoyed together throughout the term.

I wish you all a restful and enjoyable Easter break and look forward to seeing you in April for the Trinity Term.

Nik Pears

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From the Head of Pre-Prep

Zerrin Leech


Dear Parents,

We have reached the end of the Lent Term. The highlight of this week was a visit from the Easter Bunny on Thursday morning. The bunny brought eggs which we enjoyed scrabbling in the grass to collect. Thank you to P & F for providing the treats! Thank you, Easter Bunny; another string to your bow added.

Our Year 2 Swimming Gala on Monday was a lot of fun. Many thanks to Mr Davies for organising and Mrs Fornasier our Swim School Manager. The children demonstrated their swimming skills as well as competing for individual medals and a House Swimming Cup. Well done to Windsor!

On Tuesday our Digital Leaders from Year 6 came to run an assembly for us. They told the children all about Smartie the Penguin who ensured he asked his mummy and daddy to help him whenever there was something he didn’t understand on his computer. Thank you, Year 6 Digital Leaders.

The Prep Breakfast Concert was delightful on Wednesday. I love seeing how the children progress as they go through the school and these concerts are a great way to increase their confidence in performing. Well done to all those children involved.

Please make sure you sign up if you would like Doctor Unwin and his team to test your child’s hearing. He will be joining us on Wednesday 17th April in Pre-Prep. A record 18 parents had signed their children up in the first 10 minutes this week.

Congratulations to TJ Smith who celebrates working for St Michael’s for 20 years today! Luckily for us she is all set for the next 20 years.


Overheard in Pre-Prep:

Child 1: "I’m going on a football tour today!"

Child 2: "Oh, where are you going?"

Child 1: "To the Astro-Turf!"


Have a lovely Easter break, I hope we all get to see some sun including those of us staying in this country. I look forward to seeing you all again in the Trinity Term beginning Tuesday 16th April.

Zerrin Leech

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Lent Term highlights

We hope you enjoy this video showcasing all of the wonderful moments we have enjoyed together as a school community this term. 


A message from the Deputy Head

We come to the end of another busy term, celebrating everything that has been achieved. The partnership between home and school is so valuable and, as we reflect on the changes we have made to reporting, I would be grateful for your feedback. The Parent Reporting Group will meet again next term and, during the first week of the Trinity Term, please look out for a survey specifically collecting feedback about Parents’ Evenings. 

The Easter holidays are a great opportunity to check your child’s pencil case and bag and to restock as needed. Inside their Homework Diary is a list of the resources they should have. The preferred pen of choice is the dark blue Frixion erasable pen. A plea to please remember to name these items so that any lost property can be reunited with its owner. 

Thank you for your continued support. 

Mrs S Clarke, Deputy Head (Academic)


Experience Camp Beaumont at St Michael's this Easter

We are delighted to be welcoming Camp Beaumont back to St Michael's this Easter holiday to host exciting workshops from Tuesday 2nd April to Thursday 11th April 2024.

For a limited time only quote STMICHAELS24 at the checkout to save 20% on your booking (offer valid until 28/03/2014).

As the UK’s most established day camps provider, dating back over 40 years, Camp Beaumont host the most magical, inspiring and confidence-building activity days created with different age groups in mind. Working with industry-leaders in programme design, children can expect a huge range of over 50 exhilarating indoor and outdoor activities including Superhero Academy, Soft Play Ninjas, Clay Workshop, Aqua Olympics, Mini Archery and Rockstar Challenge; all tailored by age group and season. There are also chill-out areas available for campers who want some relaxation time.

Camp Beaumont gives local children the opportunity to meet new, like-minded friends and have lots of fun together away from screens in a friendly and welcoming environment. With flexible booking options available, childcare vouchers and tax-free childcare accepted, Camp Beaumont is a flexible and affordable school holiday childcare option for busy parents in the local area.

Click here to secure your child's place at Camp Beaumont this Easter

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St Michael’s French Day/St George’s Day Competition 2024

French competition

It’s time to get creative! Laissez parler votre créativité!

Following our pupils’ enthusiastic response to this year’s French-themed Otford Village Fete Competition, we are excited to invite the children to take part in our very own competition celebrating the close ties between England and France. 

Please see details about the competition on the above poster.

The competition deadline is Wednesday 17th April 2024. More information about French Day to follow. 


French Day, Tuesday 23rd April 2024

Our annual French Day is fast approaching and we have lots of wonderful activities planned for the children in Pre-Prep and Prep to enjoy. On this day we invite all of our pupils to wear the colours of the French flag (bleu, blanc et rouge) instead of their school uniform. Pupils can choose to dress from head to toe in these colours or they may simply prefer to wear accessories or a red t-shirt, for example, but please no football or rugby shirts.

This year, we are launching another competition for our pupils, with wonderful French-themed prizes on offer (separate prizes for Pre-Prep and Prep). Please see our poster above. The competition deadline is Wednesday 17th April 2024. Pre-Prep and Prep pupils should bring their decorated piece of bunting to the Pre-Prep or Prep Offices. The results will be announced on French Day.

Finally, on French Day pupils will be offered a traditional French lunch provided by our kitchen. For those who are brave enough, we have ordered snails again. In the morning, our Year 7 pupils will be raising money for their French cooking morning and will be preparing drinks called “grenadine” (French syrup with water) for Prep pupils. Pupils in Prep are therefore invited to bring in £1 to buy a drink from our French bar.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email Madame Buttery for Pre-Prep or Madame Poracchia for Prep.

We look forward to seeing all the pupils’ wonderful outfits as well as their pieces of art!

“À bientôt !” (See you soon!)

The Languages Department

Here's a taste of what to expect on French Day:



St Michael's A Monster Calls leaves lasting impact


Powerful. Poignant. Astounding. Just three of the many words used to describe St Michael’s March 2024 production of A Monster Calls

The captivating rendition of Patrick Ness’ novel brought audience members to tears as talented actors in Years 5 to 8 performed an unforgettable tale of grief, love and fear with outstanding technique and maturity. 

Adopting the role of Connor, Year 7 pupil Theo S gave a heroic portrayal of a young teenager battling the looming death of his mother whilst navigating a painful school life, hallucinations and strained relationships with his father and grandmother. Viewers were entranced by Theo’s dramatic versatility at all stages of his character’s turbulent story, ably switching between emotions as smoothly as he did from real life to nightmare. Commenting on his role in the play, Theo said: “Performing in A Monster Calls has been a journey. From our first rehearsal to the final show, the whole experience has been fun and exciting, whilst teaching us so much about acting and each other. Mr Powell’s ability to turn an emotional play into one that can be performed by children in such a powerful way is amazing, he’s so talented.”

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The play’s antagonist, the Monster, was embodied by Year 7 pupil Oliver S who was transformed by special effects make-up artist Kate Griffiths for the production. Oliver’s voice work, movement and facial gestures were mesmerising and at times frightening as he portrayed Connor’s nemesis. Reflecting on the complexity of his role, Oliver said: “At first it was difficult to play a non-human character, but with Mr Powell’s help I learnt how to develop a sense of animal in my acting and when I was in costume and make-up, I really felt the part.” 


Depicting Connor’s other monsters, the school bullies, were Mikayla M, Lucy A, Maggie B and Jack C, whose commanding stage presence wreaked pain and sympathy alike for those witnessing their actions. Year 8 pupil, Lucy, who played Sully, said: “Performing the role of a bully was challenging but with Mr Powell’s direction, we created scenes which were very convincing and gave an important message.” Clara H, Year 6, must also be praised for her innocent yet valiant performance as Connor’s devoted friend Lily who sticks by him even through moments of betrayal; we all need a friend like Lily. 

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Adopting mature roles in the script were pupils Belinda B (Grandma), Andrij Z (Dad), Matilda M (Miss Godfrey) and Aiden G (Mr Marl). Each injecting uniqueness into their characters, the talented young actors contributed significantly to the production’s storyline, using such focus and emotional intelligence to portray the guiding figures in protagonist Conor’s life. 

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Pivotal to the immaculate storytelling of St Michael’s production, pupils Theo H, George W, Isabelle D, Isabel E, Oliver N, Finley S, Amelia M and Ella M played the roles of Yews, executing set, prop and costume changes on stage whilst bringing the Monster’s narrative to life with exceptional moments of physical theatre. Positioned on stage for the entire duration of the performance, the Yews’ untiring acting engrossed their audience throughout. 

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The play concluded with a hospital scene, where Conor (Theo) and his grandma (Belinda) clung tightly to Florence, playing Mum, as she took her last breaths. For audience members not already in tears, this moment tore heartstrings as viewers themselves felt a sense of grief watching this courageous family suffer so deeply. Credit must be given to Year 8 pupil Florence L who gave a flawlessly composed performance as Mum, embracing the character’s emotions at every stage of the story with such grit. Describing the process involved in her character development, Florence said: “I used my own mum as inspiration for my A Monster Calls audition piece, mirroring the way she acts and speaks in my own acting. My role in this production has given me a lot of confidence and is an experience I will never forget.”

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A spellbinding production in many ways, it is St Michael’s Head of Drama, Al Powell’s deep-rooted ambition and theatrical artistry which must be acknowledged for part of the play’s success. Al said: “It’s been a real joy to work on A Monster Calls and I’m very proud of the children and staff who have worked so hard. The collaborative element of putting on a show is so wonderfully rewarding and I am blessed to have such a fabulous team, cast and support from the school, in order to create the product. It’s sad to say goodbye to Conor and the story but I am already excited to embark on the next journey - watch this space!”

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From the few audience members who weren’t left speechless after the performance, considerable praise has been sung. One viewer described the production as “astounding and outstanding in equal measure whilst deeply moving. The performances of the children in tackling the subject matter with such maturity and reach was inspiring and worthy of a much older cast.” Whilst another added: “A stunning performance. A very charged and grown-up piece and subject for such young people; they did not let you down. The attention to detail even down to the way the stagehands set the scene is incredible; it's already telling the story even before the acting begins.”

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And the impact of the play was felt beyond the auditorium, as St Michael’s branched out to family bereavement charity Holding on Letting Go which audience members raised over £900 for across the performances. Thanking the St Michael’s community for their generous donation, Pam Meller, Fundraising Officer at the charity, said: "I just wanted to say a massive well done and thank you to all at St Michael’s involved in the production of A Monster Calls and for choosing, alongside this production, to raise funds for Holding On Letting Go. I had the privilege of watching the show on Thursday and the commitment, interaction, maturity and accuracy with which each and every character played their part, from the start to the very end left me speechless. The story, of course, was a sad one but with humour in places and had the whole audience enthralled from start to finish.”

We are extremely proud of the cast and crew of St Michael’s A Monster Calls and can’t wait to see what Mr Powell has in store for next year’s production.

A Monster Calls Highlights video:

Please be aware, this coverage features sensitive content linked to the topics of grief and bullying which some people may find upsetting.

Please click here to view the full production gallery.

A Monster Calls - based on the novel by Patrick Ness and inspired by an original idea by Siobhan Dowd, devised by Sally Cookson, Adam Peck and the Company.


Year 1 explore Leeds Castle

Leeds CastleYear 1 had a wonderful day at Leeds Castle last Friday. After leaving the coach, we jumped on the train to the castle and were lucky to explore parts that the general public aren’t able to access! We even met ‘Frank the Clank’, a knight who guards the cellar and afterwards got to imagine what dancing in the Great Hall must have been like. 

After a quick stop for lunch, we dressed up as different characters to retell the story of The Swan Princess. The story of a brave knight, who with some help from his friends breaks a Witch’s spell to free the Princess. 

The children impressed the Leeds Castle guides with their knowledge of castles and were fantastic ambassadors for St Michael's with their enthusiasm, participation and manners.

Mrs Grove, Year 1 Teacher


Year 2 Swimming Gala

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It was an exciting afternoon of exhibition and competition at the annual Year 2 Swimming Gala on Monday afternoon. 

All pupils involved demonstrated impeccable behaviour, listened and followed instructions superbly, showing us all how much they have learnt in their Swimming lessons at St Michael's. The positive and friendly manner in which everyone participated was a joy to see. 

The Boys' Final was a close competition with Rafi O taking the win ahead of Charlie C and Ethan M. In the Girls' Final Charlotte P swam beautifully to win gold with Mia D and Elise A in silver and bronze respectively.

The finale of the afternoon was the House Relay, where the coveted House Swimming Cup was up for grabs. Looking resplendent in its Rochester yellow ribbon from 2023, it was Windsor who took the win this time round, so red ribbons will adorn the cup for the next year in the Pre-Prep trophy cabinet.

Thank you to all of the swimmers for their amazing effort, the staff for their poolside assistance and the parents and family members for their support and encouragement.

Mr Davies, Pre-Prep PE Teacher


A delightful Breakfast Concert

Breakfast Concert

We were thrilled to invite parents on Tuesday morning to hear performances from around twenty young musicians in our early morning Breakfast Concert. Whilst parents enjoyed a tasty breakfast from our Catering Team, they were serenaded by a delightful array of pieces on flute, violin, cello, piano, a harmonious recorder trio, gracefully strummed guitars and heartfelt singing from the vocalists. The children are to be warmly congratulated for the joy and confidence in each of their performances and they will each earn a silver star for taking part. Huge thanks as ever to the entire team of Music Teachers for their warm encouragement and support in preparing the pupils for these performances.

Mr Baird, Director of Music

Please click here for a full gallery of the photographs


A hopping visit from the Easter bunny 


Squeals of excitement could be heard in Pre-Prep on Thursday as the Easter Bunny visited children in Nursery to Year 2. Surprising them in the Pre-School and Pre-Prep Gardens, the Easter Bunny brought a generous basket of chocolate eggs for the children to find and enjoy. A brilliant morning had by all!


Digital Leaders inspire safe internet skills

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The Digital Leaders did us proud this week, delivering two bespoke online safety assemblies to Pre-Prep and Year 3.

The pupils planned, wrote and practised their assemblies for several weeks in their own time, before performing them to a live audience.

Some pupils acted out a story, whilst others created their own props and PowerPoints to share with the children.

Well done to all involved!

Mrs Roberton, Head of Computing


News from Music

Tunbridge Wells Arts Festival – 75th Anniversary GEMS Concert

We were delighted that several of our pupils were invited to be part of the Tunbridge Wells Arts Festival 75th Anniversary GEMS Concert that was held on Sunday 17th March at Trinity Theatre in Tunbridge Wells. Oliver S played the descant recorder, Clara H sung and played the treble recorder and Silas C played the piano; they all gave assured musical performances in a delightful concert which showcased some of the winners from various music and drama classes of the festival. They, along with several other musicians, were presented with various class winners’ awards from the festival and Oliver S was presented with two special awards:



Festival Award for the Most Promising Musician age 11 and under

Oliver S

Goulden-Robert Stace Cup for an Outstanding Recorder Solo

Oliver S

Woodwind and Brass Grade 6-7 Cup

Oliver S (recorder)

Junior Versatility Year 6 and under Cup

Clara H (piano, recorder, voice)

Woodwind and Brass Grade 1 Cup

Clara H (oboe)

Woodwind or Brass Duet, Trio or Quartet Cup

Clara H, Sophie N & Amelia Rose B (recorder)

Woodwind or Brass Ensemble Cup

Recorder Consort (Oliver S, Clara S, Amelia Rose B, Sophie N, Talulah D)

Piano Own Choice Year 5-6 Cup

Silas C

Woodwind & Brass Beginners Cup

Olivia D (recorder)

Novice Piano Duet with Teacher Cup

Mia Y


Lent Term Prep Prizes 2024

Trophy illustration

Please click here to view the Lent Term Prep prizes list showing the awards which were given out in our end of term Prep assembly today. 


Pre-Prep Gold Stars

Eren E for super sequencing when making a repeating pattern on his Easter basket

Theo A for being such a kind and thoughtful member of RJ

Allegra F for beginning to slow down and be more thorough in our activities

Mason S for using a describing word in a sentence about chicks

Callie L for creating a beautiful symmetrical butterfly during learning through play

Tancred B for a fabulous story plan for Jack and the Beanstalk

James C for great work in our Scratch Coding

Lila P for reading beautifully this week, using punctation effectively for expression and pace

Charlie B for super independent problem solving during our Maths lessons

Isabella S for excellent attention to detail when completing her castle picture inspired by Mary Blair

Savannah S for using interesting ideas when writing an alternative ending to Jack and the Beanstalk

Thomas R for working so hard to listen in class and complete his work

Rowan T for being such a hard working member of the class and setting a good example to the class

Rosie C for trying exceptionally hard and persevering with challenging tasks

Woody W for using lovely descriptions, paragraphs and joined up handwriting when writing his own quest story

Jenson D for writing a detailed and interesting quest story

Liza V for showing excellent understanding of measure using cm and m

Reis N for lovely Religious Studies work on the Easter story

Daphne S for excellent informed predictions about Oliver Jeffers' books and sequencing and retelling Lost and Found in detail

All of 1FG, 1G and 1RW for showing interest and enthusiasm during our trip to Leeds Castle


House Point Certificates 

Dover: Harry S, Arianna O and Zaviyah A 

Rochester: Dilly E 

Windsor: Alexander S and Mason T 


Times Tables Certificates 

Bronze Times Tables Certificate: Jude S

Gold Times Tables Certificate: Woody W


Swim England Awards - Learn to Swim

Level 1: Zara Autumn H, Max Z, Alexandra B and Nieve P

Level 2: Erin S, Jessica C, Hugo E and Alex SLine

Head's Stars

Amelia A

Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition


Belinda B Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Flute
Maggie B Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Singing
Oliver S Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Treble recorder
Florence L Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Singing
Jamie D Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Singing
Bronwyn T Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Clarinet
Olivia O Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Singing
Oliver N Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Flute
Xander S Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Singing
Siena L Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Singing
Dylan H Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Guitar
Alvie G Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Cello
Espen A Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Guitar
Oliver A Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Singing
Marianne B Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Piano
Theia H Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Singing
Miranda H Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Cello
Louisa R Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Clarinet
Daniel W Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Guitar
Walter M Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Singing
Olivia G Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Recorder
Herbie F Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Guitar
Zi Chen G Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Piano
Clara H Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Singing
Jimmy S Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Trumpet
Leo H Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Singing
Sophie F Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Violin
Chloe S Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Singing
Silas C Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Piano
Sophie N Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Recorder
Elizabeth W Performing as a finalist in the House Music Competition Singing
Harry B For speaking so well and confidently at the Year 2 to 3 Transition Meeting  
Olivia B For speaking so well and confidently at the Year 2 to 3 Transition Meeting  
Arlo S For speaking so well and confidently at the Year 2 to 3 Transition Meeting  
Ella M For speaking so well and confidently at the Year 2 to 3 Transition Meeting  
Charlie W For speaking so well and confidently at the Year 2 to 3 Transition Meeting  



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Players of the match - week commencing 18th March 2024






U13 Senior 1st Team

Oliver S

Good resilience

U13 Senior 2nd Team

Jack C

Determined defending

U13 Senior 3rd Team

Joe G

All round good play

Colts A

Whole team

For a good hockey season

Colts B

Thomas G

Great all round play

Colts C

Aiden G

Jimmy S

Great effort

Great effort

Colts D

Mickey M

Taran Singh M

Great defence

Great defence

Colts E

Robert M

Great energy levels and effort

Colts F

Nathaniel O

Reuben P

Scoring 3 goals

Very good work in midfield




U13 Senior 1st Team

Georgia R

Evie S

Great reading of the game

Fearless defending

U13 Senior 2nd Team

Matilda M

Excellent pace and attacking opportunities on the pitch

U13 Senior 3rd Team

Anouk C

Georgie G

Mikayla M

Voted for by opposition

Voted for by opposition

Good attacking play


Amelia B

Voted for by opposition


Maria C

Raven S

Voted for by opposition

For all round good play


Irena G

Great attack and goal scoring


Iris L

Voted for by opposition


Grace P

Isla J

Scoring five goals

Voted for by opposition

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Both the Breakfast club and The Hive this week have enjoyed melting yummy gooey chocolate into bunny, dinosaur and bee moulds to make tasty little Easter treats.

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School Shop Easter Opening Hours

Friday 12th April, 10am until 12pm 
Monday 15th April, 10am until 12pm 

Until the end of term we will be open at our usual term time opening hours: 

8:00am - 9:15am: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday   

Should you need any further help, please do not hesitate to e-mail us at stmichaels@sturdyclothing.co.uk or call Lou on 07713 632284 and we will do our best to help.


A message from Déjà Vu - St Michael's Second Hand Uniform Shop

Many thanks to all the parents who continue to donate and buy from St Michael's second hand uniform shop. Without you we wouldn't be able to provide this unique service to the school community. 

After the Easter holidays the winter dresses will no longer be available as we switch over to summer uniforms. Summer or winter dresses can be worn until May half term; after that summer dresses must be worn.

We continue to buy good quality, clean blazers size 4 upwards from you for £35.

Cricket starts for Prep school after Easter. The shop can provide the cricket vests (optional but very useful), t shirts and white trousers. If you need these it may be wise to get these before we break up for Easter. In the hope of some summer sun - caps are available for both Pre and Pre-Prep.

The shop will be open from 10am-12am on Monday 15th April 2024. 

If you have any questions, please email Melissa Samworth at melbrand@yahoo.co.uk 

Many thanks for your continued support. 



Elizabeth gives golden gymnastics performance at London Championships

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Congratulations to Elizabeth W in Year 5 who triumphed at the London Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships on Saturday 16th March. Elizabeth won a gold medal for her hoop routine as well as a silver medal for a free routine as part of her rhythmic gymnastics group.

Congratulations Elizabeth, keep up the amazing work!


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St Michael's Disco

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Please click here to book your child's place at the Disco

A big thanks to Old Michaelian and DoE Volunteer, Eddie S, who designed the Disco poster!

P & F Carnival Ball 2024

Carnival Ball

If anyone would like their business/company to sponsor the lounge/bar area for the Ball, please email stmmayball@gmail.com for more details. 

P & F Ball Auction 2024

In May, the St Michael's P&F Carnival Ball auction will raise money for three important causes. The auction will support the P&F's two chosen charities Friends for Families and the Emily Ash Trust. It will also raise funds for an exciting plan to install new play equipment in the school playground. There will be an online and a live event auction.

Please have a think if there is anything you could donate to make this auction a success. We are relying on the generosity of the St Michael's community. Prizes aimed at an experience of a child could do particularly well. Perhaps your network includes a successful sportsperson, author, musician or politician who could offer an experience or a lunch meeting? Perhaps you have a holiday home you could offer for a long weekend? Or tickets to a sporting, theatrical or musical event? We are looking for a range of auction lots, including smaller items for the online auction. 

If you have any ideas or would like to discuss further a possible donation, please drop the P&F a note on stmcharities@yahoo.com

St Michael's Cookbook Competitions

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A group of St Michael's parents are creating a St Michael's cookbook and as part of that, are launching a recipe and drawing competition.

We welcome all recipe entries; they do not need to be part of the competition so any family favourites or family and friends entries are welcome.

Recipe competition

We would love for children to submit their favourite food recipe (snack, main, dessert etc.). This should include ingredients list with quantities, a method and a drawing of the finished food (by hand or computer).

Art competition

We would like children to submit pictures of their favourite school meal or food they’ve had at school. This can be by hand or by computer.

This is across the whole school and there will be separate winners for Prep and Pre-Prep. The judges will include Mr Pears and Mrs Leech. The winners will receive copies of the cookbook along with St Michael's aprons.

The closing date for entries is Friday 22nd March 2024.

Please email all entries to stmcookbook24@gmail.com.

St Michael's Umbrellas

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Easter Sevenoaks Hockey Camp

Sevenoaks Hockey Club will be holding an Easter Hockey Camp at Hollybush Hockey Pitch on:

Thursday 4th April - Tuesday 9th April 2024

The hockey camp is for children currently in Years 1 to 8

Please click to book


Community News notices banner

Please click the above banner for notices including:

Midsummer at Archbishop's Palace, Otford

Girls' Cricket at Holmesdale 

Dulwich Cranbrook Triathlon 

How to spot an Asian Hornet

Easter Forest School at Bedgebury  

Sevenoaks Vine Cricket Club

Muddy Stilettos' Easter Guide  

Easter activities at Chiddingstone Castle 


Follow us on social media!

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Make sure you are following St Michael’s social media channels for important updates and content throughout the year.

In this section