Weekly Newsletter Friday 24th May 2024

Friday 24th May 2024A year at St Michael's banner

From the Head

Dear Parents,

We have ended the half term with some special moments of celebration this week as we have praised the pupils for their achievements and contributions to school life. 

On Tuesday we were honoured to welcome astronaut Helen Sharman to St Michael's to speak to our Years 6, 7 and 8 pupils about her extraordinary experiences of Space travel. Renowned as the first British astronaut to travel into Space, Helen captivated the room during her speech, leaving pupils and staff in awe of her amazing stories. Echoing the growth mindset approach we have here at St Michael's, Helen also shared some valuable stories of personal growth including overcoming self-doubt which were truly inspirational, proving you really can achieve anything you put your mind to!

Following our amazing afternoon with Helen, we were delighted to welcome current St Michael's Scholars together with Year 6 future Scholars and Year 8 pupils who have secured Scholarships at senior schools for our annual Scholars' Dinner. Thank you to Mrs Clarke for organising this special evening of celebration, the Catering Team for another delicious meal and congratulations to the pupils for their accolades. 

Continuing our Scholars theme, we were blown away by the magnificent talent on display at the Scholars' and Chamber Music Concert held at Shoreham Church on Thursday night. Featuring a very mature and exquisitely executed programme of music, our Music Scholars and Chamber Choir alike enchanted us with their musical expertise. Thank you to Mr Baird, Miss Balcombe and Mrs Scott for their contribution to this event as well as our Peripatetic Music Team for their daily dedication to pupils across St Michael's which contributes considerably to the standard of music at our school.

On Wednesday we were delighted to welcome our future Reception pupils as those due to join St Michael's in September joined our Kindergarten children for a taster afternoon in Pre-Prep. We look forward to more of these over the coming weeks as we prepare to welcome many new families for the next school year. 

We have ended the week with a joyous Pre-Prep Sports Day. Well done to Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 who ran, threw and jumped brilliantly cheered on by their friends and teachers. Thank you to Mr Davies and the Pre-Prep Team for hosting this event which is always a highlight of the year.

Thank you to our Prep families for their donations to bereavement charity Holding on Letting Go for our Prep Charity Day today. Adding to the funds raised from this year's school play A Monster Calls, we have now raised £1,450.28 for the organisation who are making an invaluable difference to the lives of children dealing with loss. 

I'd like to end by inviting you to join St Michael's at the Otford Village Fete on Monday 27th May 2024. We are proud to be sponsoring the event this year which is a key feature of the local calendar and promises to be a fantastic celebration of all things Otford and French! Mrs Thornton and Miss Usher will be hosting a stall at this event for St Michael's accompanied by various staff and pupil helpers; they would love to see you there too. Please see this week's newsletter for more information about the Fete itself and what you can expect from St Michael's stall. 

Wishing you an enjoyable and restful half term break and I look forward to seeing you all in June. 

Best wishes,

Nik Pears

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From the Head of Pre-Prep

Zerrin Leech

Dear Parents,

I am writing this before Sports Day so in advance I want to thank Mr Davies for what I am sure will be a great Sports Day. The enthusiasm and organisation dedicated to getting the children prepared for their events is huge but the payoff is that the children, parents and staff have a wonderful time. Thank you, Mr Davies, Prep Sports Team and our amazing Gap Students Issy, Charlotte and Max. 

Last night I went to Shoreham Church to hear the Music Scholars' and Chamber Concert. It is one of my favourite events in the calendar. The standard of performance is incredible for the age of the children. Well done Mr Baird, Miss Balcombe and the Music Department for a fabulous event.

On Wednesday we had children from Prep school to entertain us with a variety of woodwind instruments. Please email Mrs Crane if you would like your child to take up an instrument next year if they are going to be in Year 1 or Year 2.

When we return from our half term holiday please can you remember to apply an all day sun cream to your child before you leave the house? Children will also need a named school sun hat.

The Year 2 children will be heading off to Stubbers soon. The excitement will be building about staying away from home for a night so if you are able to fit in any sleepovers during the half term, this might be a good time to test out those sleeping bags!

Overheard in Pre-Prep:

Child 1: "This pudding is so sticky."

Child 2: "That’s why it’s called Sticky Toffee Pudding!"

Have a lovely half term,

Zerrin Leech

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Returning to school following illness

Please be aware of the policy around returning to school after your child has been unwell. Your child must stay home for 48 hours after their last bout of vomiting or diarrhoea and 24 hours after their last fever. There are more detailed exclusion periods in the Parent handbooks (Pre-Prep pages 15-16, Prep pages 20-21). This is not only to protect other students and staff from becoming unwell, but it also protects family members. We do have students and staff who are immunocompromised and sending your unwell child in puts them at greater risk. Thank you.

Please click here to view the Pre-Prep Parents' Handbook

Please click here to view the Prep Parents' Handbook

Mrs Carlton, School Nurse


School News

Year 6 travel back in time to the Victorian era

Victorian Day

On the 16th and 17th of May, we organised an amazing Victorian Day for our Year 6 pupils. We had a slightly different day than we expected, but it turned out to be an incredible experience! A huge thank you to Ian and History Off the Page for being so accommodating and making this event possible. A thank you also goes out to all of the parents who ensured the pupils looked just the part for both days!

The day was divided into two parts, each providing a unique glimpse into the Victorian era.

Morning Session

In the morning, the pupils stepped back in time and took on the roles of Victorian children. They experienced first-hand how school life in the Victorian era differed from today. This immersive activity helped them appreciate the changes and advancements in education over the years.

Afternoon Activities

The afternoon was filled with a variety of engaging activities, including:

• Making Victorian Toys: Pupils got creative and made their own Victorian-style toys, learning about the types of games children played in the past.

• Exploring Artefacts: They examined various artefacts from the Victorian era, gaining insights into the daily lives and technologies of that time.

• Learning About Victorian Lives: Through interactive sessions, they discovered what life was like for different segments of society during the Victorian period.

We are deeply grateful to the parents who helped out and showed such flexibility, ensuring the afternoon was a success. Your support was invaluable and contributed significantly to the pupils' learning experience.

Thank you once again to everyone who participated and made our Victorian Day an unforgettable event for Year 6!

Mrs Dodd, History Teacher


Charity Day raises £603 for Holding on Letting Go

Charity Day

A rainbow of colours could be seen across St Michael's Prep today as children and staff dressed in bright outfits for our Charity Day.

Raising money for Holding on Letting Go who support children through bereavement, we were proud to raise £603.55 for the charity which, added to our total raised from this year's school play, makes a grand total of £1,450.28.

Thank you so much to all of our families for their contributions to this incredible cause.

Please click here for more information about Holding on Letting Go


Scholars' Day 2024

Astronaut Helen Sharman inspires St Michael's pupils 

Scholars' Day

On Tuesday we were honoured to welcome astronaut Helen Sharman to St Michael's to speak to our Years 6, 7 and 8 pupils about her extraordinary experiences of Space travel. Renowned as the first British astronaut to travel into Space, Helen captivated the room during her speech, leaving pupils and staff in awe of her amazing stories. Echoing the growth mindset approach we have here at St Michael's, Helen also shared some valuable stories of personal growth including overcoming self-doubt which were truly inspirational, proving you really can achieve anything you put your mind to! Thank you to Eva F in Year 6 and her mum Sasha for organising this memorable opportunity for the pupils.

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Following our amazing afternoon with Helen, we were delighted to welcome current St Michael's Scholars together with Year 6 future Scholars and Year 8 pupils who have secured Scholarships at senior schools for our annual Scholars' Dinner. Thank you to Mrs Clarke for organising this special evening of celebration, the Catering Team for another delicious meal and congratulations to the pupils for their accolades. 

Please click here to see a full gallery of the Scholars' Dinner photographs.



News from Music

Chamber Choir performs at Rochester Cathedral

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Fresh from our Music Tour to Tuscany, we were thrilled for St Michael's Chamber Choir to be given the opportunity to sing in Rochester Cathedral last Monday as part of the inaugural IAPS Festival of Singing.

The pupils joined six other prep school choirs and were accompanied by an orchestra of King’s Rochester’s Prep and Senior School pupils and staff. Singers from each school performed their separate pieces alongside group performances from the massed choir.

The Chamber Choir impressed everyone in the large audience with their precise diction and pure singing of Abide With Me. They first sang this last November at St Michael's Old Michaelians Remembrance Service held at the RBLI Garden of Remembrance in Aylesford and more recently at St Mark’s English Church in Florence.

Highlights of the evening from the massed choir included a medley of local Kent folk songs and the Karl Jenkins’ beautiful Benedictus with its iconic cello solo, magnificent organ accompaniment and the entry of the bass drum which made everyone jump in rehearsals.

Our thanks go to King’s School Rochester for hosting the event and Mrs Harrod, Director of Music at Rose Hill School for all of her hard work in bringing the schools together.

The Music Department


St Michael's musicians host Pre-Prep woodwind assemblyMusic collage

On Wednesday morning Pre-Prep learnt all about woodwind instruments in an assembly led by Peripatetic Teacher Ms Ingram and some of our Prep pupils.

Ellie S and Clara H kicked off the assembly by playing their recorders and briefly explaining the different varieties of recorder to Pre-Prep. The Toot is the perfect instrument for young children and was beautifully demonstrated by Year 2 pupils Raphael O, Mason T and Rafferty R who impressed their classmates by playing a tune.

The assembly continued with Elodie B and Ellie S showcasing the flute and telling pupils all about the ‘Tutti Flutti’ Flute Group in Prep. The next instrument was the clarinet with Louisa R and William P playing famous tunes for Pre-Prep to guess. Louisa beautifully played the cat part from Peter and the Wolf and the Wallace and Gromit Main Theme. William P also impressed pupils with his rendition of Old MacDonald Had a Farm.

During the assembly Ms Ingram explained that when learning single-reeded instruments you begin on the Dood, a name that caused a few laughs from the children.

Finley S performed a jazzy snippet of Promenade on the Saxophone and Clara H concluded the assembly by playing the oboe, the only double-reeded instrument being played at St Michael’s and currently only being learnt by Clara.

Thank you to Ms Ingram for organising this lovely showcase of woodwind instruments. Hopefully, our Pre-Prep pupils have been inspired to learn these magnificent instruments; please get in touch with our Music Department if your child would like to learn a new instrument at St Michael's. 


News from English banner



Author visit - Tuesday 11th June 2024

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We are delighted that CBeebies TV presenter Joanna Adeyinka-Burford will be joining us to talk to pupils in Years 2 to 6 during school time on Tuesday 11th June 2024.  

Joanna has written an exciting faith-based children’s book titled What’s Up: 30 encouragements to fuel your faith. The book is filled with stories from Joanna’s life; she covers topics such as friendship, navigating anger, finding your identity, grief and the power of words. The book also includes Bible verses, prayers, spaces to reflect, fun facts and games.

Joanna will be signing copies for children on the day who have pre-ordered a book - an opportunity not to be missed!

If you would like to order a copy of the What’s Up book for your child, please complete the form here.

The books are £9.99 per copy and the charge will be added to your school invoice.

Mrs MacRae, Religious Studies Teacher


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P & F Golf Day at The Darenth

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Please click here to book your place on the P & F Golf Day.

St Michael's Umbrellas

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International Club News


MX Fencing Club half term courses

Did your child enjoy our recent fencing assembly and workshop? Experience fencing with MX Fencing Club's beginner courses during May half term. 

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Visit St Michael's stall at the Otford Village Fete!

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St Michael's Prep is proud to be sponsoring this year's Otford Village Fete which will take place on Monday 27th May 2024, 11am to 4pm.

Visit St Michael's stall, hosted by our pupils and staff, to take part in exciting French competitions and crafts as well as being in with a chance of winning some amazing Jelly Cat toy prizes! Adults, we will also be giving away lavender bags on the day.

Otford Village Fete has been bringing together residents, friends and neighbours of the community for over 75 years, growing into a very popular event which promises much fun and enjoyment for families. The theme for 2024 is “The French Connection”; the Fete will be acknowledging the 120th anniversary of the Entente Cordiale.

Please click here for more information about this year's Otford Village Fete

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Otford Village Fete programme cover competition

We are also delighted that some of our pupils' entries to the programme artwork competition have been featured in the event's marketing. 

A huge congratulations to all of the children who took part in the competition and especially our three winners:

Siena L, Year 4

Erin T, Year 4

Olivia G, Year 6 

Please click here to see the winning entries as well as highly commended runners-up



News from Eco Club banner

Could you be a St Michael's Beach Hero?





Lots of outdoor fun has been had in the Hive this week. We’ve enjoyed playing football, caring for our vegetable planters, riding on the Didicars and creating lots of different ball challenges. Some of the challenges included rolling a ball along a wall, down a slope and down some stairs to see whether we could make the ball bounce on each individual step before it reached to the bottom.

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Pre-Prep Gold Stars

Arianna O for excellent writing and ideas when creating a habitat for our Bog babies

William T for great effort when creating a plan for his Flotsam 2 story and taking care with his handwriting tool

Eren E for brilliant participation and concentration during his learning activities this week

Florence E for some wonderful writing when doing her Weekend News and Bog Baby habitat story

Harry W for always giving his best in every learning activity

Alex K for using wonderful storytelling language in his pond story

Daniel A for becoming more independent in Maths and finding different ways to make 20

Thea L for using brilliant adjectives in her writing

James C for rapid identification of rhyming words in our poetry lesson

Lila P for working independently in Maths and being able to confidently halve numbers

Poppy R for working with confidence and independence when halving shapes

Hugo W for producing a fantastic piece of writing about his dream pet

Sebby B for his wonderful enthusiasm and hard work in our Religious Studies lesson about Mosques

George P for working hard on his reading and comprehension

Woody W for putting great thought into creating his sequel to the Flotsam book. He wrote a fantastic story and created some lovely artwork too!

Bertie D for his fantastic enthusiasm when creating his Flotsam 2 story and writing an interesting blurb to make his readers want to know more!

Rosanna C for a brilliantly written sequel to Flotsam and using descriptive language

Hugo E for showing excellent understanding in Science and recognising what plants need to thrive

Jude S for an incredible sequel to Flotsam and using varied and interesting language

Willow C for fantastic effort and progress with her reading

Mason T, Raphael O and Rafferty R for participating in the Pre-Prep woodwind assembly and playing with such confidence. They were 'tootally' brilliant!


House Point Certificates 

Dover: Isabella S and Michael S

Leeds: Arius G; Ella M; Tiara A; Mason S; Rowan T and Max Z

Rochester: Grace F; Florrie B and Callie L

Windsor: Thomas D; Charlie C; Poppy F; Alex B; Ethan G and Helena H


Times Tables Certificates

Bronze Times Tables Certificate: Charlotte P


Head's Stars

Archie B

For his fact-filled poster on the circulatory system including a 3D model of the heart and other organs

Olivia G

For her unique movie clip which used a train set to model what is happening in the circulatory system

Jake L

For his creative circulatory system board game

Mickey M

For his thought-provoking poem about the circulatory system

Ellie S

For her carefully researched and beautifully presented poster on the cardiac cycle

Eva S

For her poster of the circulatory system which included moving red blood cells and a hand sewn felt model of the heart

Stella T

For her inventive circulatory system board game

Lev V

For his circulatory system board game complete with 3D printed counters of blood cells and platelets

George W

For his animated movie clip packed full of facts about the circulatory system

Isabelle D

For her passion and involvement in looking after the planet and in combatting climate change

Nik B

For his original, creative and maturing English writing – making very positive progress

Silas C

For his original, creative and maturing English writing – making very positive progress

Luke S

For his original, creative and maturing English writing – making very positive progress

Nathaniel O

For his sustained effort and motivation in French

Robert M

For initiating a Creative Writing Club for Years 5 and 6

Max H

For initiating a Creative Writing Club for Years 5 and 6


Players of the match banner

Players of the Match – week commencing 20th May 2024







Aces A

Amelia B

Amelia N

For accurate bowling

For good batting

Aces B

Eva F

Isabel E


For good bowling

For good batting

Colts E

Adam O

Luke S

Both for very good batting and running between wickets

U9A Boys

Sam S

For accurate bowling

U9B Boys

Louis L

Voted for by opposition

U9C Boys

Jonas S

For good bowling

U9A Girls

Erin T

Sophia E

For great bowling

For good batting

U9B Girls

Ella D

Isabelle P

Theia H

For good batting

For good and accurate bowling

For good and accurate bowling

U9C Girls

Ivy J

Erin O

For good and accurate bowling

For good batting

U8A Boys

Daniel B

For great bowling and batting

U8B Boys

Cayden R

For accurate bowling and big hitting

U8C Boys

Teddy T

For good batting and bowling

U8A Girls

Amy H

For great batting

U8B Girls

Elizabeth A

Olivia D

Sophia F

Voted for by opposition

For good batting and taking all opportunities

For accurate bowling and taking a wicket

U8C Girls

Charlotte D

Beatrice B

Voted by opposition for great fielding

For great batting and fielding


Shoot for the stars

Nik's football success!

Football success

Congratulations to Nik B in Year 5 whose U10 Sevenoaks Town Football Club team were runners up at the Rusthall Football Tournament at the weekend. They came top of the group and reached the Finals against a worthy opponent, Maidstone FC.


Monty presents Crystal Palace Player of the Year award 

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Well done to Monty A in Year 4 who presented the Palace Detective Player of the Year award to football player Jefferson Lerma on the pitch at Selhurst Park last Sunday. Pictured is Monty with the Palace Detective committee.Line

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Half Term staff sports camps

Mr Thomas’ Half Term Hockey Camp

Mr Thomas will be holding his Half Term Hockey Camp at Hollybush Hockey Pitch on:

Tuesday 28th May

Wednesday 29th May

Please click here to book.


Camp Beaumont is back this summer!

Camp Beaumont is coming back to St Michael's for summer from Monday 15th July to Friday 16th August 2024.

Click here to book your child's place

Use code STMICHAELS24 for 10% off your booking.



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Please click the above banner for information including: 

Benenden School boarding panel discussion

Cranbrook School Open Evening

Sevenoaks School Holiday Activity Programme

State Secondary School Open Events

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Community News notices banner

Please click the above banner for notices including:

Muddy Stilettos' Half Term Guide 

Dulwich Cranbrook Triathlon 

How to spot an Asian Hornet 

Sevenoaks Vine Cricket Club


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Make sure you are following St Michael’s social media channels for important updates and content throughout the year.

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