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Pre-Prep Music

Music is important to us at St Michael’s Prep School; we love to sing, move, play and listen to music with our friends.

In our weekly Music lessons with our specialist Music Teacher Mrs Crane, we all learn how to play the chime bars, recorders and a variety of percussion. We read rhythms and music using a variety of notation and can write our own rhythms, performing them in groups using instruments to tell stories.

Our assemblies include whole school singing, classes sharing their Music learning and children performing pieces they are working on in their individual lessons. Instruments taught in Pre-Prep are the violin, recorder, guitar, piano and accordion which the children can have private lessons in from Year 1.

We have a bell ringing group, recorder group and percussion group as well as two choirs and various instrumental ensembles. Our choirs learn songs, actions and dances in different styles from a variety of cultures.

We celebrate season changes and significant times of the year including Harvest Festival, Chinese New Year, Valentine’s Day and Easter when we perform in lively assemblies and concerts. At Christmas, each year group performs a Nativity which we proudly present to our audience of family and friends. 

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We invite visiting musicians to perform or run workshops for us during the year as well as enjoying trips to theatres and music halls. We also take part in music competitions with our award-winning Pre-Prep Choir.

At St Michael’s Prep we understand and value the incredible power of music which develops us into creative intelligent learners from an early age. We are proud of our musical achievements and talent and we enjoy music throughout the school.