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Year 2

Year 2 is the final year of St Michael’s Pre-Prep before the children move up to the Prep school.

During this time, we continue to focus on English and Maths among many subjects, setting a strong groundwork of basic skills which the children require to thrive throughout their academic lives.

Over the course of the year, Year 2 cover three major topics. During the Michaelmas (winter) Term, the children study ‘Amazing Animals’ where they look at animals both locally and across different continents of the world. Lent (spring) Term’s topic is ‘Famous Faces’ which allows the children to study famous people from the past as well as those that are currently helping to shape our world. Finally, during the Trinity (summer) Term, the children study our ‘Oceans and Seas’ topic where they investigate the strange and intersting world that exists under the water.

The highlight of the Year 2 calendar is our trip to Stubbers Adventure Centre. Here the children sleep overnight in tents and participate in a wide range of activities such as climbing, archery, bell-boating, grass sledging and team challenges. It is a much-loved rite–of-passage before joining our Prep school. Year 2 children also enjoy trips to the Horniman Museum and Brighton Sea Life Centre.

Girl on boat

Our Year 2 children take part in many transition events throughout the year where there join with Year 3 to enjoy activities including Christingle making, a Maths Challenge, Creative Day and most importantly, practise breaktimes and lunchtimes in the Prep school. Our transition programme ensures that by the time our Year 2 reach the end of the Trinity Term, they feel confident and excited about the move to the Prep school for Year 3.